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Sexual violence is against the law.

The impact of sexual violence may result in long term physical and mental health issues.

Sexual violence includes:

Sex without consent

Consent means a free voluntary agreement. The law takes account of the fact that a woman might appear to consent or submit under certain circumstances. Just because a woman is married, she does not have to have sex if she does not consent to it.


Sexual activities imposed on a young person/child by any person in their direct or extended family. The offender is either a family member, including father, uncle, brother, grandfather, or nephew, or someone with the care of the child such as a step parent, de facto spouse, or foster parent.

Sexual harassment

Any unwelcome sexual attention including unwanted patting or touching, humiliating and suggestive comments about one’s body, appearance or private life, display of, or exposure to offensive material. The law prohibits these acts – including at your place of employment.

Child sexual abuse

Sexual activities imposed on children up to the age of 17 years olds by people who are not family members. These activities could include intercourse, penetration with finger or object, forced masturbation, observation in a sexual or intimidating way, kissing, touching or fondling.


Rape means vaginal and/or anal penetration with the penis without consent. Rape also means penetration with another body part or foreign object, and forced oral sex. Rape is about power and control, not about sex. Rape is a criminal offence.

Ritual abuse

Is a brutal form of abuse of children, adolescents, and adults consisting of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, and involving the use of rituals. Ritual abuse usually entails repeated abuse over an extended period of time.

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